PHP Data Types

PHP variables can store data of different types, and different data types can do different things. PHP supports the following data types:

String: A string is a sequence of characters. Strings are enclosed in double quotes ("). For example, the following code defines a string variable named $name and assigns it the value "John Doe":

$name = "John Doe";

Integer: An integer is a whole number. Integers can be positive, negative, or zero. For example, the following code defines an integer variable named $age and assigns it the value 21:

$age = 21;

Float: A float is a floating-point number. Floats can be positive, negative, or zero, and they can have decimal points. For example, the following code defines a float variable named $price and assigns it the value 12.34:

$price = 12.34;

Boolean: A boolean is a value that can be either true or false. Boolean values are often used in conditional statements. For example, the following code defines a boolean variable named $is_logged_in and assigns it the value true:

$is_logged_in = true;

Array: An array is a collection of values. Arrays can be indexed, which means that you can access individual values by their index. For example, the following code defines an array named $cars and assigns it the values "Honda", "Toyota", and "Ford":

$cars = ["Honda", "Toyota", "Ford"];

Object: An object is a data structure that encapsulates data and methods. Objects are created using the class keyword. For example, the following code defines a class named Car with two properties, name and make:

class Car {

  public $name;

  public $make;

  public function __construct($name, $make) {

    $this->name = $name;

    $this->make = $make;



Resource: A resource is a special type of variable that can be used to access external resources, such as database connections or files. Resources are created using the fopen() function. For example, the following code opens a file named myfile.txt and assigns the resource to the variable $file:

$file = fopen("myfile.txt", "r");

PHP also supports a number of special types, such as NULL and undefined. NULL is a special value that indicates that a variable does not have a value. undefined is a special value that indicates that a variable has not been defined.

I hope this helps!

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